AFRICA: Continent is world's worst for business
The annual report benchmarks regulatory performance and reforms related to business environments...
AFRICA: Sovereign credit ratings boost confidence
With the assistance of donors, a growing number of African countries are obtaining ratings from...
AfricaMADAGASCAR: Lack of reconciliation prolongs crisis
The economy rebounded from its contraction following political turmoil in 2002, but recovery was...
MadagascarUNITED STATES/AFRICA: Nine African states secure aid
President George Bush yesterday announced aid grants to developing countries under the Millennium...
AFRICA: Small-scale mining presents opportunities
The International Labour Organisation estimates that 13 million people are directly involved in...
MADAGASCAR: Donors mark economic progress
A donors' conference focused on progress made since the 2002 political crisis was held last week....
MadagascarAFRICA: Food crisis
The World Food Programme (WFP) yesterday launched an emergency appeal for 38 million dollars in...
AfricaMADAGASCAR: Debt cancellation
France, the country's main aid donor, has agreed to cancel 55 million dollars in commercial debt...