Mali presidential run-off may disillusion voters
A lacklustre showing in Mali’s presidential run-off follows insecurity and accusations of fraud
MaliInsecurity may undermine Mali polls
Mali’s presidential elections mark a milestone but underscore the long road to recovery that lies ahead
MaliCentrist bloc could be key to Mali presidential race
The incumbent president remains the frontrunner but his support base is thinning
MaliSahelian countries face acute hunger crisis
Drought and insecurity have combined to lead UN agencies to warn of malnutrition dangers in the months ahead
ChadMalian premier’s peace push may falter after elections
The premier has toured the restive northern regions ahead of presidential elections scheduled in July
MaliMacron will keep an eye on G5 Sahel force
The French president intends to make this counterterrorism mission a success
West AfricaG5 force deployment could aid Malian peace
France has led efforts to create a regional counterterrorism force, which could also help stem Mali's rising violence
MaliProspects for West Africa in 2018
While positive economic growth beckons for several states, destabilising political divisions will fester