AFRICA: E-commerce potential stimulates innovation
The development of communal telecentres, including internet services, and the explosion in the...
AFRICA: Bleak outlook for debt reduction
For many African countries, debt is recognised to be insupportable and its cancellation is often...
For many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, debt is recognised to be insupportable and therefore...
AFRICA: Potential catch up to internet revolution
The advent of the internet is considered by many as a means to promote economic development and...
The internet has been seen as means to promote economic development and political change in the...
The internet has been seen as means to promote economic development and political change in the...
MAURITIUS: New government looks to improve economy
Sir Anerood Jugnauth named his new government last week after winning a landslide victory in a...
Ousted prime minister Navin Ramgoolan's ruling Labour Party suffered a heavy general election...