AFRICA: Figures conceal true growth rates
Though often cited, growth rates are necessarily inaccurate. Whatever estimation method is used,...
AfricaAFRICA: Figures conceal true growth rates
In practice, estimation of African growth rates depends heavily on the performance of the...
AfricaSOUTHERN AFRICA: Regional integration is no panacea
Prospects for regional integration in southern Africa are hampered by the weakness of several...
AfricaMOZAMBIQUE: Tensions threaten political stability
Reconciliation talks aimed at ending 16 months of political tension between the ruling Frelimo...
MozambiqueMOZAMBIQUE: Political stability threatened by tensions
Reconciliation talks aimed at ending months of political tension between the ruling Frelimo and...
MozambiqueAFRICA: Growing role in global drug trade
The drug economy in Africa, though small compared to that of Asia and Latin America, is a...
AfricaAFRICA: Continent has growing role in global drug trad
The continent's role in the global narcotics trade and local drugs consumption are both often...
AfricaMOZAMBIQUE: Weak water management is source of floods
The government of Mozambique has put considerable effort into disaster preparedness following...