NIGER: Tandja dissolves parliament amid term-limit row
President Mamadou Tandja yesterday dissolved parliament, well ahead of elections set for late...
NigerNIGER: Tandja seeks peace before third term
On May 16, Niger's main insurgent group rejected government claims that it had agreed to disarm...
NigerNIGER: Tuareg talks mark policy shift from Niamey
President Mamadou Tandja met yesterday with Tuareg rebels from three groups and proposed an...
NigerPROSPECTS 2009: West African stability concerns grow
After a year characterised by soaring food and fuel import costs as well as strong commodity...
MALI: Bamako pursues Sahel-wide security strategy
Mali signed a new ceasefire agreement with Tuareg rebels in Algiers on July 21. The new accord...
MaliNIGER: Ex-premier faces corruption trial
Former Prime Minister Hama Amadou was arrested yesterday on corruption charges.
NigerNIGER: Growth hopes pinned on mineral production
Arid, landlocked and extremely poor, Niger's prospects for future development rest with the...
NigerAFRICA: Franc zone countries seek food price policy
The World Food Summit in Rome on the impact of surging global food prices closed on June 5. While...