NIGER: CNPC deal brings hoped for oil investment
China and Niger announced yesterday a 5 billion dollar deal for China National Petroleum...
NigerINTERNATIONAL: Food crisis represents long-term shift
The IMF and World Bank yesterday called for global action on the growing food crisis. Since 2005,...
InternationalMALI: Tuareg truce reflects Bamako's strategy
Mali's government reached a truce yesterday with fighters of the Tuareg Alliance of Niger-Mali...
MaliNIGER: Areva deal signals growth in mining sector
The French company Areva announced yesterday that it had reached a deal with Niamey over future...
NigerPROSPECTS 2008: West African growth faces hurdles
West Africa should experience strong growth in 2008 and a generally stable political environment...
MALI/NIGER: Response varies to Tuareg troubles
Niger renewed its three-month 'state of alert' in its conflict-plagued northern Agadez region on...
MaliNIGER/MALI: Tuareg militancy persists in north
Tuareg militants of the Movement of Nigeriens for Justice (MNJ) said today that they had released...
NigerNIGER: Northern insecurity linked to smuggling routes
Conflicting reports have emerged today of clashes between the army and militants in northern...