
  • Aug 2, 2017
  • 7 min read

President’s absence will blunt Nigerian foreign policy

The extended absence of the president on medical leave will dent Abuja’s global and regional outreach efforts

  • Jul 27, 2017
  • 2 min read

Nigeria's executive-legislature divides could magnify

Proposed changes to the 1999 constitution will embolden the legislature but temper the powers of the president

  • Jul 25, 2017
  • 2 min read

Boko Haram could strain Nigeria's military further

A reconstruction push and army reshuffle follows a resurgence in Boko Haram activity in the north-east

  • Jul 24, 2017
  • 7 min read

Western divestment could reshape African energy space

IOCs are moving away from riskier onshore operations, opening new opportunities for emerging market players

West Africa
  • Jul 17, 2017
  • 7 min read

Boko Haram will pose renewed threat to Nigeria’s army

Despite eroding the militant group’s territorial gains in 2016, the army is facing resurgent dangers in the north-east

  • Jul 12, 2017
  • 7 min read

Nigeria’s neo-Biafrans will push renewed rights claims

Following the 50th anniversary of the civil war, pro-Biafran activists are growing more frustrated with their treatment

  • Jun 30, 2017
  • 8 min read

African politics and security to end-2017

Longstanding leaders stepping down, growing instability and democratic backsliding mar the region's outlook

  • Jun 22, 2017
  • 6 min read

Nigerian states' debt could endanger national recovery

The growing debt of Nigeria's states threatens to undermine the country’s plans for long-term economic revival
