
  • Sep 4, 2013
  • 7 min read

Nigeria Petroleum Industry Bill gathers some momentum

The Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) seeks to introduce new fiscal terms and entirely reconstitute...

  • Sep 2, 2013
  • 2 min read

Nigeria ruling party factionalism curbs policy reform

A group of state governors yesterday announced the formation of a parallel national PDP executive.

  • Aug 22, 2013
  • 7 min read

Nigeria power reform readies for next milestone

Yesterday was the payment deadline to complete the asset transfers from the federal government to...

  • Aug 20, 2013
  • 2 min read

Nigeria hints at death of Boko Haram leader

The Nigerian military said yesterday that Abubakar Shekhau "might" have died following recent...

  • Aug 15, 2013
  • 2 min read

Cameroon instability risk lies in Biya not Nigeria

Yesterday marked a significant point in the official final transfer of full authority to Cameroon...

  • Aug 14, 2013
  • 7 min read

African sovereign funds gear up for growth

After decades of fiscal mismanagement, sub-Saharan African (SSA) states are increasingly turning...

  • Aug 6, 2013
  • 2 min read

Nigeria vigilantes may entrench rule of law problems

Local media reported yesterday that 'rival' vigilante groups clashed in Borno State last week,...

  • Aug 1, 2013
  • 2 min read

Opposition unity will decide Nigeria's 2015 election

The electoral commission yesterday registered the APC -- a merger of three opposition parties --...
