
  • Oct 5, 2012
  • 7 min read

Nigerian GDP rebase will alter investor perceptions

Nigeria's National Bureau of Statistics will soon publish the results of a re-basing of its GDP...

  • Oct 2, 2012
  • 6 min read

Nigerian agriculture plan will hinge on bank lending

One consequence of oil wealth is that food production and export agriculture in this large,...

  • Sep 27, 2012
  • 7 min read

Competition grows for West Africa ports investment

West Africa's sustained high GDP growth rates through much of the last decade have led to...

West Africa
  • Sep 21, 2012
  • 2 min read

Nigeria oil wealth fund will struggle to get lift-off

The country's 36 state governors yesterday issued a joint (apparently unanimous) statement...

  • Sep 19, 2012
  • 6 min read

Nigeria's SWF management draws up investment strategy

The Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA)'s new senior management team will be led by...

  • Sep 18, 2012
  • 2 min read

Northern Nigeria insecurity is likely to continue

Citing Nigerian security sources, international media outlets yesterday reported the killing on...

  • Sep 3, 2012
  • 2 min read

Nigeria GDP rebasing to have mixed effects on markets

This week marks the intended date (September 6) for the Nigerian government's exercise to...

  • Aug 31, 2012
  • 6 min read

High stakes drive Nigeria power sector privatisation

Power Minister Barth Nnaji -- the principal architect of privatisation plans for state-owned...
