North Africa

  • Dec 9, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Cryptocurrencies by international regions

  • Dec 9, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Cryptocurrency in the Middle East and North Africa

Middle East
  • Dec 9, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Inflation in the Middle East and North Africa

Middle East
  • Oct 26, 2022
  • Chart / Map

International carbon dioxide emissions

  • Aug 30, 2022
  • 2 min read

Arab desire to migrate will remain high

Political instability and poor economies keep open migration as an option for many Arabs

Middle East
  • Jul 19, 2022
  • 2 min read

Migration through the Mediterranean will rise

Rising food prices, political instability and poor economic prospects will drive migration upwards despite obstacles

North Africa
  • Jun 30, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Middle East and North African water stress categories

Middle East
  • Jun 30, 2022
  • Chart / Map

Middle East and North African water stress scores

Middle East