ISRAEL/EU: Israel quizzed on Dubai assassination
Israel came under diplomatic pressure today when London and Dublin summoned its respective...
IsraelMIDDLE EAST: Jerusalem tensions will obstruct peace
Much of the international attention on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is focused on issues such...
MIDDLE EAST: Arab nationalism continues to link region
Arab nationalism was once a major political force in the Arab world. It has now been superseded...
MIDDLE EAST: Fatah pushes for Hamas reconciliation
Senior Fatah official Nabil Shaath travelled to the Gaza Strip yesterday for rare talks with the...
MIDDLE EAST: Politics holds West Bank economy hostage
The West Bank realised approximately 7% GDP growth in 2009. Donor aid and government salaries...
EGYPT: Gaza wall risks growing domestic opposition
The UN stated on January 21 that the blockade of the Gaza Strip is threatening its healthcare...
EgyptUS/MIDDLE EAST: Renewed diplomacy faces obstacles
Israel yesterday rejected suggestions by US Middle East envoy George Mitchell that Washington...
United StatesMIDDLE EAST: PLO meeting to endorse Abbas stands
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reiterated today that the Palestinians would only resume...