QATAR: Surge in expenditure may prove imprudent
Qatar has issued an expansionist budget for 2002-03 with overall expenditure to increase by 14%....
QatarQATAR: Expansionist budget
An expansionist budget has been issued for 2002-03 with overall expenditure to increase by 14%.
QatarGULF STATES: Pressures mount as populations grow
The Gulf States, backed by oil wealth, and keen to enhance their regional status, have sought to...
Gulf StatesMIDDLE EAST: Al-Jazeera courts controversy
Within five years of its establishment, al-Jazeera's outspoken and independent coverage of the...
MIDDLE EAST: Al-Jazeera courts controversy but loses
Within five years of its establishment, al-Jazeera's outspoken and independent coverage of the...
GULF STATES: Regional airlines buck global trends
At a time when the international airline industry has been shrinking, the Gulf airlines are...
Gulf StatesGULF STATES: Regions airlines buck international tren
At a time when the international airline industry has been shrinking, the Gulf airlines are...
Gulf StatesGULF STATES: September 11 boosts regional integration
The 22nd summit, the most important of its kind since the GCC's inauguration in 1981, resulted...
Gulf States