UGANDA: Peace distant despite ceasefire
President Yoweri Museveni on March 10 declared a five-day ceasefire to allow talks to take place...
UgandaUGANDA: Uncertain peace
President Yoweri Museveni on March 10 declared a five-day ceasefire to allow for talks to take...
UgandaFRANCE/AFRICA: Iraq to the fore in African summit
The Franco-African summit was held in Paris on February 20-21....
FranceFRANCE/AFRICA: Summit outcomes
The Franco-African summit, held in Paris on February 20-21, was nominally centred upon...
FranceCONGO-KINSHASA: Rebel infighting threatens peace
Tensions remain high between the two main rebel factions in the north-east of the country,...
Congo-KinshasaCONGO-KINSHASA: Peace prospects
Recent fighting in the north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between the two main...
Congo-KinshasaKENYA/RWANDA: Genocide investigation
The United States has requested the assistance of the newly elected National Rainbow Coalition...
KenyaPROSPECTS 2003: Burundi crisis a regional threat
The regional crisis centred upon Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) remains one of the world's...