Sierra Leone
WEST AFRICA: Taylor trial sets post-conflict precedent
The trial began today of former Liberian President Charles Taylor on war crimes and crimes...
WEST AFRICA: Islam political influence may be waning
West Africa is among the most populous regions of the Islamic world. While Islam has played a...
West AfricaWEST AFRICA: Politics erodes post-transition justice
Processes of post-conflict justice have become important mechanisms for conflict resolution and...
West AfricaSIERRA LEONE: Security, corruption key for investment
Sierra Leone benefited in December from the write-off of 90.8% of its external debt. Thanks to...
Sierra LeoneSIERRA LEONE: Government seeks gain from debt relief
Sierra Leone will qualify for 1.6 billion dollars in debt relief, having yesterday reached its...
Sierra LeonePROSPECTS 2007: Polls challenge West African stability
Despite expectations of sustained economic growth, West Africa is likely to face significant...
UN/AFRICA: Impact of peace-building body constrained
The 31-member Commission is a key element of UN reform, designed to bridge the...
UK/WEST AFRICA: Offer to jail Taylor after Hague trial
The UK government said today that it would serve as jailor for former Liberian President Charles...
West Africa