Troop deployment may aggravate Somali election crisis
The president has apparently deployed special forces units to Beledweyne ahead of upcoming key electoral contests
SomaliaShallow reforms may ensure more Somali poll disputes
A new election deal has dampened an immediate crisis but changed little else
SomaliaSomali election deal may ring hollow
The parties have nominally solved yet another electoral crisis but the polls still have a long way to go
SomaliaRisks will grow as Somali election disputes multiply
The president and prime minister are embroiled in a new battle for control over the contested electoral process
SomaliaSomalia steps closer towards a major electoral crisis
A coalition of opposition candidates says it will boycott the polls amid mounting allegations of vote rigging
SomaliaElectoral tensions will build in Somalia
Parliamentary elections have commenced and the controversies are multiplying
SomaliaSomalia faces long and turbulent election season
Parliamentary elections have finally commenced in a protracted electoral season that promises still more chaos
SomaliaICJ ruling will gratify neither Kenya nor Somalia
The International Court of Justice has finally pronounced on Kenya and Somalia’s maritime border