Regional issues will entrench Egypt-Sudan divisions
Growing tensions between Egypt and Sudan are embedded in wider polarisation along Africa's Red Sea coast
SudanEgypt aims to delay the filling of Ethiopia’s Nile dam
The Ethiopian premier is visiting Egypt to address concerns over the flagship Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
EgyptSudan bread protests could prompt firmer crackdown
Protests over the rising cost of living have been ongoing for almost two weeks
SudanRelative stability in Sudan’s Darfur may not last
A weapons collection campaign has led to the arrest of one of Darfur's most prominent militia leaders
SudanSudan's economic recovery will require broader reform
Despite an end to US sanctions, Sudan's economy is struggling and popular discontent is mounting
SudanSudan-Egypt rifts could have a regional impact
Relations between Sudan and Egypt have a long history of troubles, but are currently at a particularly low ebb
SudanEgypt will hope to slow progress on Ethiopia dam
Talks between Egypt and Ethiopia on a controversial hydroelectric dam project have so far failed to resolve differences
EgyptProspects for the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea in 2018-22
Cross-cutting alliances and enmities, and growing military and commercial ties, shape relations across the Gulf of Aden
East Africa