
  • Feb 22, 2005
  • 1 min read

TOGO: International pressure forces coup climb-down

Under international and regional pressure, the National Assembly yesterday voted to restore the...

  • Feb 17, 2005
  • 1 min read

TOGO: Resolution would reflect well on regional bodies

The Togolese army appeared to have backed down yesterday over the coup which installed Faure...

  • Feb 15, 2005
  • 1 min read

TOGO: Weak opposition struggles to challenge 'coup'

Opposition parties in Togo yesterday called for a national strike today in protest at the...

  • Feb 11, 2005
  • 7 min read

TOGO: Succession condemned as 'coup'

The authorities today refused landing rights to an aircraft carrying a top-level African Union...

  • Feb 7, 2005
  • 1 min read

TOGO: Seizure of power confirms autocracy fears

Hours after the death of President Gnassingbe Eyadema on Saturday, his son, Faure Gnassingbe, was...

  • Oct 28, 2004
  • 6 min read

NIGERIA: Slow progress in gas commercialisation

The government announced a new policy last month, intended to commercialise the long-neglected...

  • May 25, 2004
  • 7 min read

TOGO: Eyadema seeking aid funds, not reconciliation

The government, opposition parties, civil society groups and other domestic organisations are...

  • Jan 12, 2004
  • 7 min read

AFRICA: Cotton and oil define franc zone outlook

The tenth anniversary of the 50% devaluation of the CFA franc occurred on January 11. Devaluation...