EUROPEAN UNION: Neighbourhood policy may offer little
The EU is trying to build a more substantive policy to integrate neighbouring countries...
MIDDLE EAST: Structural risks dog non-oil bourses
Foreign and regional interest in the stock markets of the non-oil producing MENA economies was...
Middle EastMIDDLE EAST: Summit debacle confirms Arab disarray
Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said yesterday that an Arab summit could "definitely" be...
Middle EastMIDDLE EAST: Arab summit ends in delay debacle
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said today that Cairo was willing to host an Arab summit in 2-3...
Middle EastTUNISIA: Ben Ali seeks image boost in election run-up
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali met his US counterpart George Bush during a visit to Washington...
TunisiaEU/MIDDLE EAST: Maghreb complexity defeats diplomacy
Euro-Mediterranean foreign ministers met in Naples last week, during a period of intense...
EuMIDDLE EAST: Regimes address political reform calls
Arab regimes are presenting themselves as seriously engaged in a process of political reform.....
Middle EastAFRICA: African Union development disappoints
The AU's second annual summit, held in Maputo, Mozambique on July 10-12, saw the election of a...