
  • Jun 3, 2021
  • 2 min read

Yemen peace hopes recede as Huthis draw back

The movement increasingly sees the latest US and UN positions as aligned with the Saudi-backed government

  • May 24, 2021
  • 2 min read

Power shifts could further squeeze southern Yemen

Changes in Riyadh's stance spark pre-emptive manoeuvres among factions, while prices rise and the currency plummets

  • May 14, 2021
  • 2 min read

Global isolation will boost Yemeni Huthis’ obduracy

The forces controlling most of northern Yemen are progressively losing international sympathy, while Riyadh reaches out

  • Apr 28, 2021
  • 2 min read

US policy could enable a pragmatic Iran-Saudi deal

The Yemen war will be a key agenda item, with the most room for compromise (though local allies will object)

Saudi Arabia
  • Apr 19, 2021
  • 2 min read

Peace will elude suffering Yemen

Fighting has flared up again in oil-rich Marib province, formerly a refuge for the displaced

  • Mar 23, 2021
  • 2 min read

Saudi peace proposal targets US, not Yemeni, response

Riyadh has put forward an initiative to end six years of war, as violence on the ground intensifies

Saudi Arabia
  • Mar 22, 2021
  • 7 min read

Yemeni combatants' stances will block peace efforts

Almost seven years after the beginning of the Yemen war, international mediation initiatives are floundering

  • Mar 19, 2021
  • 2 min read

Huthis could take oil-rich Marib, raising Yemen risks

Progressive military advances are putting pressure on US policy towards Riyadh
