
  • Mar 17, 2021
  • 2 min read

Riyadh will seek to contain new southern Yemen crisis

Secessionist protesters have invaded the seat of the internationally recognised government

  • Mar 9, 2021
  • 7 min read

Yemen’s divided south faces security and economic woes

Internal tensions and lack of financing undermine the cobbled-together cabinet, as the Huthi military threat mounts

  • Mar 5, 2021
  • 2 min read

Multi-front fight may turn Yemen’s Huthis toward talks

Saudi-backed forces have launched a new offensive in Taiz to increase pressure on Huthi manpower

  • Mar 2, 2021
  • 2 min read

A malnourished generation’s future recedes in Yemen

The UN fears it cannot avert famine after a disappointing donor conference

  • Feb 11, 2021
  • 2 min read

Yemen military escalation will test US Saudi policy

After Washington relieved the pressure, the Huthis launched a new offensive and burned a Saudi civilian airliner

Saudi Arabia
  • Feb 8, 2021
  • 2 min read

Yemen’s Huthis will raise the stakes ahead of talks

As US pressure on the Huthis eases, pro-Saudi forces accuse them of renewed attacks

  • Feb 5, 2021
  • 2 min read

Biden Yemen stance will pressure trapped Saudi Arabia

The US president prioritises ending military support for Saudi-led coalition air strikes against the Huthis

Saudi Arabia
  • Jan 26, 2021
  • 2 min read

Yemen’s complexities will stump Saudi and US planning

A reported missile downed over Riyadh today underlines the conflict’s persistence and spillover potential
