
  • Mar 21, 2013
  • 1 min read

Middle East: Multi-speed revolutions

Middle East
  • Mar 18, 2013
  • 6 min read

Southern grievances threaten Yemen's transition

The National Dialogue which will determine the shape of Yemen's political future is due to start...

  • Feb 28, 2013
  • 7 min read

Middle East water crisis looms in absence of reforms

According to a NASA study published on February 12, the Middle East lost an amount of water...

Middle East
  • Dec 27, 2012
  • 7 min read

Yemen's transition advances, but obstacles remain

President Abd al-Rab Mansour Hadi announced a reorganisation of the defence and security forces...

  • Dec 20, 2012
  • 2 min read

Military reform boosts Yemen's transition prospects

President Abd-al-Rab Mansour Hadi ordered a wide-ranging restructuring of the military yesterday,...

  • Sep 26, 2012
  • 6 min read

Saudi influence faces limits in new Middle East

Saudi Arabia's petrodollars are a long-standing tool of its foreign policy. They are being used...

Saudi Arabia
  • Sep 21, 2012
  • 2 min read

Islamist protests will test new Arab governments

Arab governments have stepped up security around Western embassies ahead of protests expected...

Middle East
  • Sep 17, 2012
  • 7 min read

Anti-US protests set to intensify in 'new' Middle East

Western embassies in the region are on high alert today as protests continue against a US film...

Middle East