ZIMBABWE: Rising cholera toll fails to jolt government
The WHO today raised the death toll from Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic to 2,106 since August, with...
ZimbabweAFRICA: Judicial constraints undermine reform efforts
Judiciaries in most African countries face considerable constraints. The lack of a strong and...
AfricaAFRICA: Commodities downturn dents mining prospects
Initial hopes that the global economic downturn would be shallow and short-lived are being...
AfricaZIMBABWE: Air marshal attack reflects regime tensions
Air Marshal Perence Shiri was shot and wounded over the weekend, state media reported today.
ZimbabweZIMBABWE: Cholera outbreak exposes crisis depth
The Zimbabwean government appealed for donor assistance yesterday in combating a cholera outbreak...
ZimbabweAFRICA: Land issues are key to transitional justice
Disputed rights to land are a root cause of conflict in many developing countries. Transitional...
AfricaZIMBABWE: Soldiers' indiscipline poses risk to regime
Several dozen soldiers yesterday attacked foreign currency traders in Harare, leading to riots...
ZimbabweBOTSWANA: Zimbabwe criticism heats up
Botswana's Foreign Minister Phandu Skelemani sharply criticised the response of the Southern...