
  • May 17
  • 2 min read

Baku will keep undermining France overseas

The French government accused Azerbaijan of fomenting unrest in New Caledonia

  • May 13
  • 7 min read

Armenia will avoid severing ties with Russia

Relations with Moscow continue to deteriorate, with Yerevan asking for Russian troops to leave several bases

  • Apr 22
  • 2 min read

Deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan inches closer

Armenia agreed to return four contested border villages to Azerbaijan following the latest round of peace talks

  • Apr 17
  • 2 min read

Iran will seek to reduce Western influence in Caucasus

Yerevan has assured Iran that the South Caucasus will not become an area of “geopolitical competition”

  • Apr 2
  • 7 min read

Baku will resist a quick peace deal with Armenia

Tensions between the two countries remain high, with the chance of a comprehensive peace deal receding

  • Mar 13
  • 2 min read

Armenian exit from CSTO will face serious obstacles

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan threatened to pull Armenia out of the Russian-led CSTO security alliance

  • Feb 23
  • 2 min read

Armenia's CSTO freeze will push Russia further away

Yerevan has "frozen" its participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)

  • Feb 16
  • 13 min read

Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Karabakh is settled

This background brief explains the failure of diplomacy and the recourse to a military solution to the Karabakh conflict
