Prospects for Russia/CIS in the second quarter
Economic risks are becoming more pronounced in both Russia and Ukraine. As the Kremlin tightens...
CISPolitics is moving to support global shale production
The United States has undergone a revolution in its energy market as a result of growing oil and...
InternationalShortcomings dim Georgia's anti-corruption sheen
Georgia ranks 51st out of 176 countries surveyed for perceived levels of public sector corruption...
GeorgiaEuro turmoil depresses outlook for eastern neighbours
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) today released its regional...
CISProspects for Russia and the CIS in the fourth quarter
Despite multiple channels of exposure to euro-area debt crises, the Russian authorities are doing...
CISUS re-engagement prompts Uzbekistan to leave CSTO
The CSTO confirmed yesterday that Uzbekistan has suspended its participation in all of the...
UzbekistanProspects for Russia and the CIS in the third quarter
President Vladimir Putin has solidified his status as Russia's paramount decisionmaker, and the...
CISGlobal natural gas trade grows as patterns change
While natural gas has always been more costly and difficult to transport than oil, there has been...