
  • Oct 8, 2007
  • 2 min read

CIS: Dushanbe Summit shows organisation in disarray

The CIS summit in Dushanbe over the weekend concluded with the signing of an amended CIS treaty,...

  • Sep 28, 2007
  • 10 min read

TAJIKISTAN: Drug-trafficking presents major challenge

Tajikistan has emerged as a frontline state in the war on drugs and is bearing the brunt of the...

  • Sep 7, 2007
  • 7 min read

CENTRAL ASIA: Migration stabilises but remains high

The five states of Central Asia have experienced significant outward and intra-regional migration...

Central Asia
  • Aug 17, 2007
  • 7 min read

RUSSIA/CHINA/CENTRAL ASIA: Security dominates SCO aims

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit took place in Bishkek yesterday. The SCO...

Central Asia
  • Jul 13, 2007
  • 7 min read

CENTRAL ASIA: Demographics pose development challenges

Central Asia's demographic profile differs in important ways from other transitional economies...

Central Asia
  • Jun 22, 2007
  • 7 min read

CENTRAL ASIA: Deep-seated corruption scars the region

The region's autocratic regimes, lack of transparency and independent judiciary have made...

Central Asia
  • Jun 1, 2007
  • 7 min read

RUSSIA/CENTRAL ASIA: Security problems solidify ties

Russia is strengthening the military component of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation...

Central Asia
  • Jun 1, 2007
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA/CENTRAL ASIA: Security problems solidify ties

Russia's strengthening of the military component of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation,...

Central Asia