
  • Dec 31, 2004
  • 8 min read

PROSPECTS 2005: CIS unlikely to copy Ukraine scenario

Recent events in Ukraine have given hope to opposition forces in other CIS countries. However,...

  • Dec 14, 2004
  • 1 min read

TAJIKISTAN/RUSSIA/IRAN: Agreement raises UES profile

Russia's Unified Energy Systems (UES) and the Tajik and Iranian energy ministries signed an...

  • Oct 19, 2004
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA: Church and state fear population decline

Health Minister Mikhail Zurabov told yesterday's demographic conference organised by the Russian...

  • Oct 18, 2004
  • 1 min read

TAJIKISTAN/RUSSIA: Agreements consolidate Russian rol

Presidents Imomali Rahomonov and Vladimir Putin signed a package of agreements in Dushanbe on...

  • Sep 22, 2004
  • 7 min read

CIS: Group functions as vehicle of Russian influence

The CIS held its 38th summit in Astana last week. The CIS is a loose multilateral structure that...

  • Sep 10, 2004
  • 7 min read

JAPAN/CENTRAL ASIA: Tokyo is a player in 'Great Game'

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoriko Kawaguchi concluded a tour of Central Asia last week. Japan's...

Central Asia
  • Sep 7, 2004
  • 6 min read

INTERNATIONAL: Remittances fund investment growth

Workers' remittances to developing countries have exceeded official development assistance since...

  • Sep 2, 2004
  • 6 min read

KYRGYZSTAN/RUSSIA: UES expands with hydroelectric deal

UES's move into Kyrgyzstan is a sign of increasing Russian involvement in Central Asian markets,...
