
  • May 22, 2006
  • 2 min read

KAZAKHSTAN/RUSSIA: Astana plans gas pipe expansion

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Kazakh counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev, agreed prices...

  • May 15, 2006
  • 7 min read

RUSSIA: Gas pipelines show Gazprom's preponderance

Gazprom is serious about diversifying its gas export routes to European as well as Asian and...

  • May 15, 2006
  • 1 min read

RUSSIA: Gas pipelines show Gazprom's preponderance

Gazprom is serious about diversifying its gas export routes to European as well as Asian and...

  • May 8, 2006
  • 1 min read

TURKMENISTAN: Niyazov prepares to fight terrorism

Addressing foreign diplomats and military attaches on Friday, Turkmen President Saparmurat...

  • Apr 26, 2006
  • 6 min read

TURKMENISTAN: Oil sector purges will undermine economy

Cabinet and upper echelon purges have intensified since early May 2005, with an unusually high --...

  • Mar 21, 2006
  • 2 min read

TURKMENISTAN/UKRAINE: Gas row pressures Kiev

Turkmen Oil and Gas Minister Gunbanmurad Atayev said today that it would be impossible to supply...

  • Feb 24, 2006
  • 2 min read

UKRAINE/TURKMENISTAN: Kiev claims gas row resolved

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov stated today that the "misunderstanding" over gas debt...

  • Feb 15, 2006
  • 1 min read

TURKMENISTAN: Reserves will not solve key problem

An international audit has confirmed that the Dauletabad gasfield contains 4.5 trillion cubic...
