TURKMENISTAN: Cotton casualties
President Sapamurat Niyazov yesterday dismissed two senior officials after another poor cotton...
TurkmenistanCIS/IRAN: Fresh approaches tried to Caspian problem
Throughout the 1990s, the littoral states' intransigence over dividing up the Caspian was...
CisTURKMENISTAN: Military minister
President Sapamurat Niyazov appointed the head of the border guards, Major-General Agageldy...
TurkmenistanCENTRAL ASIA: Poor infrastructure could hinder growth
For the landlocked former Soviet republics of Central Asia, the development of overland transport...
Central AsiaTURKMENISTAN: President consolidates his hold on power
President Sapamurat Niyazov signed a decree on September 8 creating a state commission to combat...
TurkmenistanTURKMENISTAN: Presidential promises
President Sapamurat Niyazov promised yesterday to hold presidential elections every three or four...
TurkmenistanRUSSIA/CIS: How KGB networks extend Moscow's reach
Even the most reluctant members of the CIS have worked closely with the Russian intelligence...
RussiaSOUTH ASIA/ TURKMENISTAN: Indian setback
Indian Oil Minister Sumitra Maharajan today said that India would not participate in the Asian...