
  • Yesterday
  • 2 min read

Iran’s president will face sizeable policy challenges

President Pezeshkian reiterated his willingness to reopen nuclear negotiations at the UN

  • Sep 26
  • 2 min read

Major attack by Iran on Israel unlikely in short term

The escalating violence in northern Israel and Lebanon is triggering more calls for Iran to actively support Hezbollah

  • Sep 25
  • 2 min read

Iran may help transfer of Russian anti-ship missiles

Iran is facilitating talks that could see Russia transfer supersonic anti-ship missiles to Yemen's Huthi rebels

  • Sep 24
  • 2 min read

Mojtaba Khamenei may not succeed his father in Iran

The supreme leader’s son has withdrawn from his teaching role

  • Sep 23
  • 2 min read

Iran’s military command structure will be impeded

The military is reported to have banned the use of communication devices

  • Sep 19
  • 2 min read

Russia and Iran will sign new partnership agreement

President Putin approved the draft agreement on strategic partnership between Russia and Iran

  • Sep 17
  • 2 min read

Iran’s message to the West will likely go unanswered

Much of President Pezeshkian’s first press conference was targeted at rebuilding relations with the West

  • Sep 11
  • 2 min read

Reopening Iran’s nuclear talks will face challenges

The belief by Western powers that Iran has supplied missiles to Russia has resulted in further sanctions

  • Sep 9
  • 2 min read

Iran will maintain trade and military ties with Russia

Parliamentary criticism of Russia has increased over the potential Zangezur corridor
