Prospects 2017


An EU flag waves over a statue of former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Reuters/Luke MacGregor)
  • Nov 3, 2016
  • 7 min read


Brexit is only one of four crises the EU will have to deal with next year

Theresa May holds a cabinet meeting (Reuters/Stefan Rousseau)
  • Nov 8, 2016
  • 7 min read

United Kingdom

The fallout from the Brexit referendum will continue to dominate UK politics and economics

  • Nov 14, 2016
  • 8 min read

Euro-area economy

The modest average growth rate belies the risks hidden in divergent trends across member states

  • Nov 28, 2016
  • 7 min read

Central-Eastern Europe

In Central Europe, external headwinds will undermine GDP; South-eastern Europe will be unstable if fast-growing

  • Nov 30, 2016
  • 8 min read

Western Europe

Elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands will dominate the political landscape next year