Latin America

  • Jun 25
  • 7 min read

Tierra del Fuego may become a focus for new tensions

Economic and political interest in the south of Argentina and Chile is rising domestically and internationally

  • Jun 6
  • 2 min read

Dengue will be a mounting challenge in Latin America

The number of dengue infections and deaths has been rising sharply in the Southern Cone during a long hot spell

Latin America
  • May 20
  • 7 min read

Market concentration will remain high in Latin America

Efforts to increase competition and thus boost sluggish growth face a range of obstacles

Latin America
  • May 10
  • 7 min read

Americas Act seeks to recover US role in Latin America

US lawmakers have introduced a bill in Congress to create the 'Americas Partnership' with Latin America

Latin America
  • Apr 18
  • 7 min read

Venezuelan migrants could boost host countries' growth

Various recent studies point to the potential economic benefits arising from the arrival of large numbers of Venezuelans

Latin America
  • Mar 22
  • 8 min read

Amazon rainforest faces existential climate risk

Droughts are becoming increasingly severe and common, and could push the Amazon to breaking point

Latin America
  • Mar 7
  • 2 min read

IDB adds to calls for Latin American renewable energy

The InterAmerican Development Bank has urged Latin America to double renewable energy investment and improve regulation

Latin America