
  • Apr 26
  • 6 min read

Foreign exchange shortages will persist in Guyana

Businesses continue to complain of foreign exchange shortages despite a supposed oil-driven "excess of foreign currency"

  • Mar 22
  • 8 min read

Amazon rainforest faces existential climate risk

Droughts are becoming increasingly severe and common, and could push the Amazon to breaking point

Latin America
  • Mar 22
  • 2 min read

Venezuela-Guyana Essequibo row will rise pre-election

Venezuela's National Assembly yesterday approved the creation of a new state in the disputed region, long part of Guyana

  • Mar 7
  • 2 min read

Disputes may delay but not end Guyana oil development

ExxonMobil has announced an arbitration case over the sale of its Guyana partner Hess to rival Chevron

  • Feb 14
  • 2 min read

Military moves may increase Venezuela-Guyana tensions

Reports indicate that Venezuelan military activity near the disputed Essequibo border has increased

  • Jan 10
  • 2 min read

New US visits may strain Guyana-Venezuela nerves

A US Defense Department visit to Guyana has coincided with a 'private' visit by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

  • Jan 9
  • 2 min read

US Guyana visit may raise new Venezuela frictions

A US Defense Department official begins a two-day visit to Guyana today
