
  • Jun 18
  • 2 min read

Central America extreme weather poses perennial risks

After a period of severe drought, Central America’s rainy season has brought a swing to the opposite weather extreme

Central America
  • Apr 29
  • 7 min read

Guatemalan-US ties will continue to strengthen

Bilateral ties are strengthening, but their outlook will depend on November’s US election results

  • Apr 8
  • 2 min read

Guatemala dismissal will shore-up Arevalo’s reputation

The first ministerial dismissal of the Arevalo administration appeared reluctant but demonstrates anti-corruption action

  • Mar 25
  • 7 min read

China's presence in Central America will strengthen

Central America’s ties with Taiwan have loosened, as governments have increasingly sought closer Chinese relations

Central America
  • Feb 27
  • 7 min read

Arevalo seeks Guatemala mining harmony and prosperity

Guatemala’s new government supports mining projects, but with substantial new social and environmental commitments

  • Jan 23
  • 7 min read

Congressional support will assist Guatemala’s Arevalo

Guatemala’s new president has secured unexpected backing in Congress

  • Jan 15
  • 2 min read

Guatemala’s Arevalo faces a tough presidency

A turbulent inauguration has set the scene for a presidency that looks sure to be beset by obstructionism
