
  • Jun 26
  • 2 min read

Criminal complaint will not bring down Peru's Boluarte

Human rights organisations have brought a criminal case against the president before the International Criminal Court

  • Jun 17
  • 2 min read

Primary sectors and public spending boost Peru's GDP

GDP expanded by nearly 5.3% year-on-year in April, with further good results predicted for May

  • Jun 3
  • 7 min read

Peru's Boluarte will focus on China relations

President Dina Boluarte is due to visit China later this month, ahead of President Xi Jinping's November Peru visit

  • May 28
  • 7 min read

Judicial woes will fuel corruption concerns in Peru

The chief public prosecutor has been removed amid growing problems in the judicial system

  • May 10
  • 2 min read

Sluggish Peru growth will not reverse poverty rise

The poverty rate rose for a second consecutive year in 2023, in the context of a 0.6% GDP contraction, to 29%

  • Apr 30
  • 2 min read

Peru will seek to avoid Chancay arbitration process

Economy Minister Jose Arista said yesterday that he hopes for an agreement with Chinese Cosco on the Chancay port

  • Apr 19
  • 7 min read

Peru's growth will remain sluggish this year

Government forecasts of 3% growth this year look highly optimistic after a small contraction last year

  • Apr 18
  • 7 min read

Venezuelan migrants could boost host countries' growth

Various recent studies point to the potential economic benefits arising from the arrival of large numbers of Venezuelans

Latin America
  • Apr 12
  • 2 min read

Pensions withdrawal may spook investors in Peru

Congress yesterday approved a sixth withdrawal from individual pension funds, at a potential cost of USD7bn
