BALTIC STATES/RUSSIA: Mutual antagonism will remain
Estonia and Russia signed a border treaty in Moscow today. This significant breakthrough comes...
Baltic StatesEASTERN EUROPE: CEE firms target Balkans potential
Leading Central and East European companies have, through mergers and acquisitions, established...
BalkansBALTIC STATES/RUSSIA: Recriminations continue
The Latvian government yesterday rejected Russian President Vladimir Putin's accusations that the...
RussiaESTONIA: New government will lack policy coherence
Parliament today approved a new government under Andrus Ansip.
EstoniaESTONIA: Ansip set to head broad coalition
President Arnold Ruutel today asked Andrus Ansip, the leader of the pro-business Reform Party, to...
EstoniaESTONIA: Coalition rivalry brings down government
Prime Minister Juhan Parts and his government resigned today. The collapse of the two-year...
EstoniaESTONIA: Prime minister quits after no-confidence vote
Prime Minister Juhan Parts said yesterday that he would resign on Thursday, after parliament...
EstoniaBALTIC STATES/RUSSIA: Economic ties improve gradually
EU accession has improved the terms of Baltic trade with Russia and has stimulated economic...
Baltic States