
  • Jan 30
  • 2 min read

Pro-Morales protest action may endure in Bolivia

Roadblocks by supporters of the former president have brought much of the country to a halt

  • Jan 8
  • 7 min read

Bolivia political animosity to deepen over election

Political tensions threaten to undermine the legitimacy of the government, the courts and upcoming elections

  • Jan 3
  • 2 min read

Bolivia court ruling will not end MAS infighting

The former president has dismissed a court ruling that could have helped to end pre-election infighting within his party

  • Dec 8, 2023
  • 2 min read

Mercosur summit may mark shift in priorities

At its summit yesterday the bloc announced a trade deal with Singapore, but the long-delayed EU deal remains stalled

  • Nov 29, 2023
  • 2 min read

Bolivia will join amid doubts over the Mercosur bloc

Brazil has become the final member to ratify Bolivia's full membership in the Mercosur bloc

  • Nov 27, 2023
  • 7 min read

Informal and illegal gold mining to endure in Bolivia

Informal, semi-formal and illegal gold mining has taken root in Bolivia and is proving difficult to regulate

  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 2 min read

Israeli-Latin American ties will sour further

Several Latin American leaders have called for a ceasefire in Gaza, some condemning Israel in notably undiplomatic terms

Latin America
  • Oct 19, 2023
  • 7 min read

Large-scale deforestation will continue in Bolivia

The government pays lip service to protecting the forests, but political and economic factors perpetuate tree loss
