Central America
CENTRAL AMERICA: Integration boosts competitiveness
Increased integration of the region's economies will increase intraregional trade and reduce...
Central AmericaLATIN AMERICA: People trafficking is big business
People trafficking and alien smuggling has become a business worth billions of dollars a year,...
Latin AmericaHONDURAS: Security stepped up on terror risk
Security Minister Oscar Alvarez yesterday announced that security had been increased at a number...
HondurasCENTRAL AMERICA: Military has new role fighting crime
The role of the military has changed since civil conflicts ended in the early 1990s. However,...
Central AmericaBELIZE: Increasing crime may damage tourism
The growing tourist industry could be damaged if investors and visitors are deterred because of...
BelizeLATIN AMERICA: Risks remain high for airlines
Following three years of significant restructuring and rationalisation, the outlook is now...
Latin AmericaNICARAGUA: Structural problems hinder investment
Unlike other countries in the region, Nicaragua has been unable to attract high levels of foreign...
NicaraguaEL SALVADOR: Saca takes varied approach to gangs
Temporary anti-gang laws expired on June 30. President Elias Antonio Saca is seeking permanent...
El Salvador