GUATEMALA: Berger government lacks direction
The government -- after early optimism -- is widely regarded as ineffective.
GuatemalaCENTRAL AMERICA: Integration may lose momentum
The steps are taking place outside the DR-CAFTA framework, and are intended to lay the...
Central AmericaCENTRAL AMERICA: Anti-crime cooperation is limited
A joint approach is essential, but has proved difficult to implement.
Central AmericaGUATEMALA: Indigenous protests could lead to backlash
The government's lack of direction is being painfully exposed.
GuatemalaCENTRAL AMERICA/CARIBBEAN: Tax reform is limited
Approval of the DR-CAFTA free trade agreement with the United States, and the need to expand...
Central AmericaCENTRAL AMERICA: Remittances continue to increase
Despite expected benefits from the Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA), the region's...
Central AmericaCENTRAL AMERICA: US immigration policy causes tension
The foreign ministers of Mexico, Central America, Colombia and the Dominican Republic met in...
Central AmericaLATIN AMERICA: People trafficking continues to expand
Powerful interests are involved in what is becoming an increasingly lucrative business, and...
Latin America