Riot risk precludes fuel price hikes in Haiti
With social tensions at boiling point, the government is caught between a rock and a hard place
HaitiLafontant resignation will not ease tensions in Haiti
With societal tensions at breaking point, Haiti’s new prime minister will face an almost impossible task
HaitiHaiti’s government will struggle to end fuel subsidies
Protests may have peaked for now, but tensions are running high; any government missteps could provoke more unrest
HaitiLatin America migrant returns threaten stability
US withdrawal of protected status for migrants threatens to put pressure on fragile societies
Latin AmericaHaiti’s police will struggle without UN troops
Social and political fragility has Haiti’s fledgling security forces on the back foot from the outset
HaitiCorruption scandal may aggravate unrest in Haiti
A new corruption scandal threatens Haiti’s aid, investment and stability
HaitiRevocation of US protection will hit Haitians hard
Haiti, still struggling with the effects of a series of natural disasters, is unprepared for an influx of deportees
United StatesUN drawdown comes at risky time for Haiti
As UN peacekeepers prepare to leave Haiti, political tensions simmer