CENTRAL AMERICA: Military has new role fighting crime
The role of the military has changed since civil conflicts ended in the early 1990s. However,...
Central AmericaHONDURAS: Election season exacerbates social tensions
The strike and confrontations make the climate highly unsettled. The start of the election...
HondurasCENTRAL AMERICA: China increases regional influence
Central America is traditionally an ally of Taiwan. However, the island's political influence is...
Central AmericaCENTRAL AMERICA: Public debt may deter investment
There is a continuing lack of domestic savings in most of Central America, and an inability to...
Central AmericaCENTRAL AMERICA: CAFTA ratification remains distant
The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) was signed on Friday by Costa Rica, El...
Central AmericaCENTRAL AMERICA: High oil prices cause fiscal woes
As a net importer of crude oil, Central America has been hit by the rise in world oil prices,...
Central AmericaHONDURAS: Foreign policy has unprecedented importance
Honduran troops began withdrawing from Iraq on May 10. Complex foreign policy issues are on the...
HondurasHONDURAS: Iraq troop withdrawal underway
The first of the 369 Honduran troops based in Iraq were withdrawn to Kuwait yesterday.