
  • Oct 23, 2009
  • 6 min read

LATIN AMERICA: Media moves risk freedom of expression

There is an increasingly consolidated trend in the region towards restrictions on the media and...

Latin America
  • Aug 25, 2009
  • 6 min read

COSTA RICA/NICARAGUA: ICJ ruling could boost tourism

Settlement of the issue could improve bilateral relations, and open up the region to tourism.

Costa Rica
  • Aug 10, 2009
  • 6 min read

NICARAGUA: Ortega moves to reform constitution

President Daniel Ortega appears set on re-election, though his ability to achieve this depends on...

  • Jul 28, 2009
  • 2 min read

RUSSIA/LATIN AMERICA: Sechin aims to bolster ties

Influential Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin arrived in Nicaragua today following a visit to...

  • May 22, 2009
  • 6 min read

LATIN AMERICA: Remittances face recessionary rout

The worsening of the global economic crisis is taking its toll on the volume of remittances that...

Latin America
  • May 22, 2009
  • 1 min read

LATIN AMERICA: Remittances face recessionary rout

The worsening of the global economic crisis is taking its toll on the volume of remittances to...

Latin America
  • Mar 4, 2009
  • 5 min read

NICARAGUA: Political deal ends stalemate

A deal between the Sandinistas and Liberals has ended the impasse over November local elections.

  • Jan 5, 2009
  • 6 min read

NICARAGUA: Election aftermath remains tense

The country appears to be sliding towards open conflict after two decades of relative peace.
