
  • Apr 19, 2006
  • 6 min read

CENTRAL AMERICA/CARIBBEAN: Tax reform is limited

Approval of the DR-CAFTA free trade agreement with the United States, and the need to expand...

Central America
  • Mar 29, 2006
  • 1 min read

INTERNATIONAL: World Bank cancels debt

The World Bank announced yesterday the cancellation of 37 billion dollars in debt owed by 17...

  • Mar 14, 2006
  • 6 min read

NICARAGUA: PLC and FSLN remain dominant

The results provide some pointers for presidential elections in November.

  • Feb 9, 2006
  • 6 min read

CENTRAL AMERICA: Remittances continue to increase

Despite expected benefits from the Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA), the region's...

Central America
  • Feb 8, 2006
  • 7 min read

LATIN AMERICA: Risks of financial dollarisation

The high degree of financial dollarisation in most Latin American countries may leave their...

Latin America
  • Feb 8, 2006
  • 1 min read

LATIN AMERICA: Risks of financial dollarisation

The high degree of financial dollarisation in most Latin American countries, a legacy of high...

Latin America
  • Oct 17, 2005
  • 5 min read

NICARAGUA: Accord brings brief stability

President Enrique Bolanos and FSLN leader Daniel Ortega struck a political deal on October 10....

  • Oct 12, 2005
  • 1 min read

NICARAGUA: Bolanos and FSLN reach deal

President Enrique Bolanos yesterday announced an agreement with the opposition Frente Sandinista...
