
  • Oct 26, 2001
  • 7 min read

NICARAGUA: Washington worries over an Ortega win

Presidential elections will be held on November 4....

  • Oct 26, 2001
  • 1 min read

NICARAGUA: Washington worries over an Ortega win

While the November 4 presidential election result remains too close to call, the balance appears...

  • Oct 25, 2001
  • 1 min read

NICARAGUA: Presidential candidates neck-and-neck

Sandinista Daniel Ortega and the Liberal candidate Enrique Bolanos are running neck-and-neck...

  • Aug 29, 2001
  • 8 min read

HONDURAS: Maduro ahead as poverty, regional tensions

Presidential elections will be held on November 25....

  • Aug 23, 2001
  • 8 min read

CENTRAL AMERICA: Bleak outlook for agriculture

Severe drought has wiped out most of the basic food crops cultivated by more than one million...

Central America
  • Jun 21, 2001
  • 5 min read

NICARAGUA: Candidate ban complicates presidential

The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) voted on June 18 by a margin of 4-3 to prohibit the...

  • Jun 21, 2001
  • 1 min read

NICARAGUA: Candidate ban complicates presidential rac

The Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) voted on June 18 by a margin of four to three to prohibit...

  • Jun 20, 2001
  • 7 min read

US/LATIN AMERICA: Nicaragua deal closes drug loophole

The United States and Nicaragua this month signed an agreement under which US vessels and...

United States