ZIMBABWE: ZANU-PF presses ahead with one-man run-off
The government intends to press ahead with the second round presidential vote tomorrow, despite...
ZimbabweSOMALIA: Nigerian peacekeepers set to bolster AMISOM
Nigeria's military is preparing to send an initial deployment of one battalion (750-850 soldiers)...
SomaliaAFRICA: Economic growth is strong but constrained
The OECD and African Development Bank released their annual African Economic Outlook on May 13....
AfricaCOMOROS: Intervention has wider implications
Comoran and African Union forces on March 25 invaded Anjouan island. The 'liberation' of Anjouan...
ComorosSUDAN: Russia offers choppers for Darfur peace mission
Russia yesterday proposed supplying some of the helicopters needed for the UN/African Union (AU)...
SudanAFRICA: CEN-SAD reflects Libyan goals to the south
The 25-member body is one of eight designated economic pillar organisations of the African...
AfricaKENYA: Power-sharing government will be fragile
Kofi Annan today announced that an "agreement" had been reached between the government and...
KenyaAFRICA: Ping brings diplomatic skills to AU Commission
Ping knows that to make the African Union more effective, he needs the support of members that...