• Aug 2
  • 2 min read

Turkey will continue to police social media

A sudden ban on Instagram serves as a warning to other platforms to toe the government’s line on online speech

  • Aug 1
  • 7 min read

Internal strife will keep Turkey’s parties occupied

Rumours of discontent in the ruling coalition and main opposition parties are spreading

  • Aug 1
  • 7 min read

Kuwait faces severe fiscal challenges into medium term

Kuwait faces major budgetary challenges into the medium term as government attempts to implement unpopular fiscal reform

  • Aug 1
  • 2 min read

A wider tax base helps Saudi fiscal management

Despite registering a budget deficit, Riyadh announced positive revenue trends

Saudi Arabia
  • Aug 1
  • 2 min read

UN position in northern Yemen will be precarious

After a campaign of arrests targeting UN personnel, the Huthis instructed UN human rights staff to leave the country

  • Aug 1
  • 2 min read

New FTAs will boost Gulf states’ trade and investment

Turkey and the United Kingdom hope to conclude free trade agreements (FTAs) with the Gulf Cooperation Council states

Gulf states
  • Aug 1
  • 2 min read

Qatar’s government debt ratio will fall further

Qatar’s budget surplus will be used to repay government debt

  • Jul 31
  • 6 min read

Syrian-Turkish normalisation efforts could pick up

There appears to be renewed momentum for talks between Syria and Turkey
