• Jul 25
  • 2 min read

Egypt will signal commitment to IMF policy conditions

The government reaffirmed its intention to remove all fuel subsidies, but gradually

  • Jul 25
  • 2 min read

Netanyahu’s speech does little for Israel’s divisions

The prime minister strongly defended Israel’s record in Gaza during his fourth address to the US Congress

  • Jul 25
  • 2 min read

Kuwait will face challenges funding its fiscal deficit

Kuwait’s fiscal account fell into deficit in fiscal year 2023/24

  • Jul 24
  • 7 min read

Chinese investment in the Gulf states will rise

Investment by China in countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council is evolving

Gulf states
  • Jul 24
  • 2 min read

Iraq will reshape foreign military ties

Baghdad is reportedly seeking a timely withdrawal of coalition forces and is seeking better security links with Turkey

  • Jul 24
  • 2 min read

Lebanon’s economic issues will remain unaddressed

Fitch has withdrawn Lebanon’s ratings because of a lack of up-to-date data

  • Jul 24
  • 2 min read

Riyadh will move to bring down Yemeni tensions

Defying expectations, rival Yemeni groups reached an agreement to de-escalate

Saudi Arabia
  • Jul 24
  • 2 min read

Interest rates cuts unlikely until 2025 in Turkey

Interest rates remained steady as the central bank remains committed to tight monetary policy
