• Jul 23
  • 7 min read

Egypt’s balance of payments will get short-term relief

Capital inflows have had a substantively positive impact on the country’s external finances

  • Jul 23
  • 2 min read

Outlook for a Palestinian unity government may be dim

Beijing has waded into the challenging role of trying to reconcile rival Palestinian factions

  • Jul 23
  • 2 min read

Morocco’s government and public will split over Israel

Rabat's acquisition of a new Israeli spy satellite runs against public sentiments

  • Jul 23
  • 2 min read

United Arab Emirates-EU trade deal is a possibility

The United Arab Emirates hopes to agree a trade deal with the EU

United Arab Emirates
  • Jul 23
  • 2 min read

Turnout will be low in Jordanian election

Six alliances have been formed to contest the September parliamentary election

  • Jul 22
  • 7 min read

Economic dissatisfaction will persist in Turkey

Reducing inflation may be insufficient to reverse the impact of economic discontent on President Erdogan's popularity

  • Jul 22
  • 2 min read

Huthis will be undeterred by Israel’s strikes

Israel struck Yemen to convey a message of persistent strength and willingness to hit back hard over civilian deaths

  • Jul 22
  • 2 min read

Egypt seeks more links with the Horn of Africa

The government has taken several recent decisions to signal interest in boosting the country’s ties with the region
