• Jul 5
  • 2 min read

Regional insecurity will hit Jordan’s economic growth

Jordan’s economic growth has slowed to its lowest level since the first quarter of 2021

  • Jul 5
  • 2 min read

Egypt’s PMI suggests business outlook will improve

The country's non-oil PMI is the highest since August 2021

  • Jul 4
  • 7 min read

Ties between Bahrain and Iran will improve slowly

Talks to restore diplomatic ties between Bahrain and Iran will progress but economic relations will evolve more slowly

  • Jul 4
  • 2 min read

Egypt's cabinet will focus on investments, IMF reforms

A wide government reshuffle introduces new ministers of finance, oil, electricity and supply among others

  • Jul 4
  • 2 min read

Iran-Turkmenistan gas swap could face US sanctions

A new swap deal allowing Turkmen gas to be exported to Iraq through Iran could face pressure from Washington

  • Jul 4
  • 2 min read

Qatar’s non-oil growth will support economic expansion

Headline PMI figure highlights strong non-oil sector growth

  • Jul 4
  • 2 min read

Turkey will seek to be the world’s mediator

The presidents of Turkey and Russia met during the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Astana

  • Jul 3
  • 7 min read

Morocco's aerospace sector will grow strongly

The government has ambitions to manufacture a wholly Moroccan-made aircraft by 2030
