• Mar 27
  • 6 min read

Libya’s Amazigh will bargain hard for more rights

Tensions have spiked dramatically between the west-based Government of National Unity (GNU) and the non-Arab Amazigh

  • Mar 27
  • 2 min read

Egypt will prioritise access of basic goods

The government is taking measures to alleviate the impact of high inflation

  • Mar 27
  • 2 min read

Souring Israeli ties could hit Colombia’s military

Many Colombians will agree with the president’s criticisms of Israel, but the military has a reliance on Israeli arms

  • Mar 26
  • 7 min read

Arrests reinforce Rabat's anti-corruption drive

The monarchy and the ruling parties appear increasingly sensitive to public opinion on corruption in the country

  • Mar 26
  • 2 min read

Political wrangling will weaken Libya’s oil sector

There is increasing scrutiny of officials working in the oil sector

  • Mar 26
  • 2 min read

Israel’s Gaza war aims will founder on contradictions

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is playing a short-term tactical game, at home and abroad

  • Mar 25
  • 2 min read

Risks will run high along the Libyan-Tunisian border

Forces of the government in Tripoli are preparing to seize back control of the border crossing with Tunisia

  • Mar 22
  • 2 min read

Further rate rises may be needed to cut Turkish CPI

The central bank suddenly increased the interest rate by 500 basis points, to 50%
