Prospects 2016

Middle East / North Africa

Supporters of the Pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party, Istanbul (Reuters/Murad Sezer)
  • Sep 3, 2015
  • 7 min read


The election is hard to predict and will largely depend on how the Kurdish issue evolves in the months beforehand

Members of Iran's militia march during a parade, Tehran (Reuters/Morteza Nikoubazl)
  • Sep 4, 2015
  • 13 min read

Middle East

The impact of the Iran nuclear deal, Syria's civil war and low oil prices will reverberate across the region

  • Nov 9, 2015
  • 7 min read

North Africa

The three post-uprising countries, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, will face an uphill battle to regain stability

  • Nov 11, 2015
  • 7 min read

Gulf states

Gulf states are seeking to curb Iran's influence abroad and adjust to lower oil prices at home

  • Nov 17, 2015
  • 7 min read


AKP's re-election brings short-term political stability, but probably increasing authoritarianism

  • Nov 18, 2015
  • 7 min read


The lifting of sanctions will create new challenges and opportunities for the Rouhani government

  • Nov 25, 2015
  • 8 min read

Syria and Iraq

Intensified international efforts to fight Islamic State group and end the Syrian civil war will yield limited results